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New Zealand business news, insurance insights and more.
New Zealand’s Construction Cost Records First Drop in 12 Years
24 Jul 2024 After a period of normalisation of housing construction costs, the construction industry has recorde...
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Government Promises 3 Major Construction ‘Shakeup’ To Reduce Building Costs
25 Jun 2024 The government has announced an incoming major ‘shakeup’ to New Zealand’s construction rules to redu...
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New Zealand’s House Construction Costs Start to Normalise
07 May 2024 Kiwi builders and homebuyers are seeing a significant weaning in the growth rate of construction cos...
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New Zealanders Want Stronger Buildings Amid Earthquake Risk
16 Apr 2024 The latest industry research has set a new standard for builders around New Zealand: Kiwis expect th...
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More Skilled Workers Needed to Meet Construction Demands, Expert Says
19 Mar 2024 Despite the downturn in the construction sector, more skilled workers are needed to meet industry ne...
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It is such a relief in Business to know your Insurance Broker always has your back and knows all the relevant info to keep us safe.
Nicola Hunt, LockSmart

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